Secure access and control

The nature of the activities at an industrial estate will require very high security access control. Whilst at the same time there’s a great deal of traffic from incoming and outgoing deliveries. Plus the environment can represent quite a “burden” for installed systems. A robust and safe entrance with sufficient capacity is therefore an absolute must.

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A reliable solution for an industrial estate

Securing the entrance to an industrial estate requires specific solutions for large trucks and special transport. HTC can offer you professional solutions which can prove their worth again every single day.

The design of the vehicle entrance should be user-friendly for drivers, as this will prevent damage when they enter and exit. HTC’s trackless speedgates are ideal for perimeter situations. There’s no guidance at the top or bottom, which means there are no limitations on the road surface or in height. Our speedgates’ surface treatment is tailored to the environmental load (such as pollution, salt, etc.), making sure they remain permanently suitable for intensive use. The speedgates are available in widths from 4 m to 12 m, depending on the available space. And remote technical management is also possible with our servicing packages.

Extra secured areas

Chemical factories and other plants often have an enhanced security profile. Our RSE advisors have all the required knowledge at their disposal to realise a safe access design. For enhanced security and proper handling of entering and exiting traffic.

HTC has acquired a great deal of experience with access locks for freight traffic, which involves the placement of 2 speedgates behind each other. Speed​​gates are ideal for placing in locks because of their speed and because the wings open up in line with the roadway. It goes without saying HTC’s installation and service department is also very much used to working on sites with strict access control and safety instructions. The following high security solutions are recommended for enhanced security.

Combination of Speedgates with bollards and blockers to protect against ram raiding with cars Speedgates with RC2,3,4 & 5 certification for protection against people

Performance procurement

Industrial parties need absolute certainty about the availability of their speedgate. Our “Speedgate as a Service” model certainly provides an interesting option. This option will guarantee you a properly functioning entrance without a major investment.

How does the speedgate as a service model work? HTC installs the speedgate and subsequently remains the owner, with you only paying a fixed amount over a certain period of time. You are provided with an availability and security guarantee throughout the contract period where this installation is concerned. This solution will provide you with a well-functioning vehicle entrance which you won’t need to worry about. And all of that without any major investment costs. The Speedgate as a Service model is also in line with the requirements which are going to be imposed on companies by the circular economy.

Temporarily securing industrial estates

HTC’s mobile solutions present the perfect solution when temporary, quick and secure access is required. For example, if the entrance gate has been hit or has suffered a fault, or if temporary access is required for construction traffic.

HTC has developed a range of solutions which are suitable for temporary use at various different locations. From “quickly installed for a few days” to “integrable in a construction road”. HTC supplies these systems and our partners subsequently take care of the appropriate rentals. The various different temporary options are described on the mobile solutions page.

Speedgate as a Service

The Speedgate as a Service concept means you get a speedgate on loan and HTC will remain the owner. Fewer concerns, no expensive investment, plus it’s better for the environment too.

Sustainable entrance

A speedgate can also contribute to a better environment and reduce CO2 emissions. How? Read all about it in the sustainable speedgate article.

Smart Service with Xense

Xense connects an Xentry speedgate to the internet. This smart service allows HTC to offer you 24/7 support, plus the data will provide you with an insight into the use of your speedgate.

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