A barrier-free system, also suitable for heavy goods traffic and high vehicles.
Effectively securing business premises requires a permanent barrier. Effective access for cars and freight traffic, on the other hand, requires barrier-free access. A Xentry STS is unique in offering barrier-free security. This trackless speedgate has no top or bottom guides and is available in sizes up to 12m wide.
The quick opening and closing prevents waiting times and "following in".
Xentry STS benefits:
~6 sec/5m wide speedgate. ~13 sec/12m speedgate (10x faster than other gate types)
safe, the opening and closing with every entrance prevents any vehicle or person following in
reliable, as a result of top quality components and predictive maintenance (Xense)
high usage frequency, up to 400 movements per day safe, tested by SKG according to EN13241-1. Security adaptable in line with the situation
safe, approved by SKL according to EN13241-1. safety features adaptable to each situation
the most effective choice in the market where total cost of ownership (purchase + use) is concerned
HTC has supplied more than 3500 speedgates to satisfied customers right across the world.